Short, sweet and to the point. Jake takes on EAC and shows the beginner how easy the new electronics can really be!

Like much of what Jake has written with the beginner in mind, this book is loaded with essential information without bogging down into the mind-numbing concepts, charts and figures that can quickly turn the "newbie" off.

Yet, Steve Bright, the president of NCLA and an instructor in EAC systems says: "This book goes deeper then basics without losing sight of the most important aspect of EAC - proper procedures and techniques".

If you've ever been intimidated by the thought of doing electronic access control work, follow along with Jake as he takes you on an electron train ride, shows you how to layout a system and then shows you step-by-step how the system is installed.

One of Jake’s more popular books comes to you, as a fully doownloadabe ebook, in PDF format, for viewing on your desktop, or laptop. It is complete and unabridged with 68 pages, with over 80 photographs and illustrations to help you quickly grasp the basics and start making money.
